Penycloddiau - Dig In Deeper! |
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Penycloddiau () lies across the central ridge of the Clwydian Range. The ramparts enclose an area of 21 hectares. It is amongst one of the largest hillforts in Wales. The hillfort is multivallate with extensive ramparts to the north and north west.
There are two original inturned entrances, one to the south and the other midway along the eastern rampart.
Lewis' Topographical Dictionary in the eighteenth century talks about the ‘principal and most extensive of the (Clwydian Range military posts) occupies the summit from which it's strong foundations were called Bryn y Cloddiau or "the hill of the ditches"... and defended according to the facility or difficulty of access by single, double or triple and quadruple entrenchments....'[iii].
In 2004 CPAT carried out a togographical survey of the site which identified 43 possibletogographical survey of the site which identified 43 possible platforms. Follow the link to see a copy of their report and find out more.
In 2008 CPAT carried out an evaluation trench on the mound found inside the hillfort to try to ascertain if the mound was natural or a man made feature, possibly dating back to the Bronze Age. Click here to read a copy of their report.
Also in 2008 EAS and volunteers carried out a geophysical survey within part of the hillfort. Their results which included new roundhouses and a possible enclosure can be found by following the link.
In 2009 CPAT carried out an excavation on the mound within the hillfort to explore 2008's results further. Click here to read a copy of the report. Click here to read blogs from the dig.
[i]Hillforts of the Clwydian Range Flintshire Historical Society Transactions [ii]Parochialia Edward Lhwyd 16xx [iii] Topographical Dictionary Lewis [iv]Canon Ellis Davies 1949 Prehistoric and Roman Remains of Flintshire hut |