Help Preserve The Countryside |
Illegal Off-Road trespass is causing massive damage to many acres of heather moorland, valuable for both wildlife and agriculture. If you witness illegal off road activity, follow these simple guidelines....
How to Report Illegal off-road use
If you see Illegal activity taking place
Don't Leave Home Without It!
After the event
If you have registration plate details, contact Denbighshire Countryside Service on . This information will be passed to the Police.
Fill in a NWAIMOR (North Wales Alliance to Influence the Management of Off Roading) report form (even if the police were contacted in the first instance) and send to NEWIMOR or Denbighshire Countryside Service. The form can be downloaded here and emailed directly to NWAIMOR and Denbighshire Countryside Service, or call the Countryside Service on for a paper copy.
Pass any other information, such as time of activity, location of activity, number of bikes, onto Denbighshire Countryside Service or your local Police Officer.
Remember, unless the activity is reported or information passed on, the proper authorities may never know it took place. The more the offences are reported, the higher profile the problem receives.