Welcome to Heather and Hillforts
 The Heather and Hillforts Project Area is a spine of purple rolling hills, rising above broad green valley floors - a landscape of breathtaking beauty, with a large part being within the Clwydian Range Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
The Heather and Hillforts landscape holds the footprint of past communities and cultures. An exceptional chain of Iron Age hillforts dominates the skyline.
Today, the heather moorland provides important grazing for sheep. The high scenic quality of the area underpins its importance for recreation and tourism.
The combination of the natural and historic heritage of the Clwydian Range and Llantysilio Mountains creates a truly unique landscape, greatly valued for its beauty, wildlife and archaeology, which remains to be discovered by many.
Begin your adventure now by hovering your mouse over the Heather and Hillforts tab above, to find out more about our six spectacular hillforts and our internationally important heather moorland.

Heather and Hillforts Latest News
The Heather and Hillforts Project, which spans the counties of Denbighshire and Flintshire, has been chosen as the winner in the UK Landscape Award regional judging for Wales and is now a final contender for the first-ever UK Landscape Awards, with the winner looking for a place in the European finals.